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The New Lesson Not Learned is here

For my loyal readers here is the next Lesson Not Learned. Enjoy

Alec Degnats

A Lesson Not Learned: Snowed In at a Global Half-Way house


This place is a little odd. We have all lived together in this house since we were little. Mom, well the person who runs this half way house, used to keep a watchful eye on us, however as we grew up she let us spread our wings even if it was at her expense.

Dad, he’s not around much and likes to take his time watching us develop from afar and see how things grow.

“Get up... Come on Get up...”

That’s Sammy, all high and mighty. He used to be the runt and now Sammy’s the bully in this house now. He’s just pushed Juan down again. It seems like that’s all he does now, beat up on Juan and his friends.

“Come on tell me where that snowball came from. Who threw it?”

It is winter. And everyone laughed when Sammy was blind sided, makes me wonder why he is taking it out on Juan.

                                                            .           .           .

Sammy used to be the small, quiet one. Juan, Sammy, and Olivia were part of the last group to join our house.

When he first got here Francis and Elizabeth fought over him, both wanting him to stay in their room. That may sound friendly, but they wanted to have their own little butler for their own needs. Possibly even some of his allowance.

Elizabeth won and took Sammy in while Mom and Dad were worked on his room. Before they could complete it Sammy broke out and created his own space.

At first it was the couch, then a tent in the back yard, and before long he converted the shed into his room. Sammy’s ingenuity and drive have never been in doubt and that is the problem because that drive mixed with a taste of power became a problem.

Sammy stayed humble for a long time, slowly building his reputation until he became the turning point in the massive fray between Hans and Elizabeth.

This particular fight was over rooms, but was no different than the ones that have plagued this house for years. Sometimes we argue about rooms or allowance. Other times our battles are over books and more often than not over petty differences in the telling of the same tale. We can not share our toys and it seems we will fight just about anything.

After those battles Elizabeth and Hans, were tapped out leaving a hole of power that Sammy filled.

                                                                        .           .           .

Sammy’s in his room now brooding over the fact that none of us will play with him. Juan, Olivia, and Nikita were making paper air planes with Lin and Sammy would not stop swatting them down. He wouldn’t stop and so they ignored him and now he is in his room isolated, crying about his situation.

Why should we? Sammy sees himself as a Sixties Americana man, who is loved and adored by everyone. In reality he has become an arrogant thug, who does not think anyone can touch him.

It’s sad  because Sammy doesn't understand what he’s doing. Most bullies know they are doing wrong, but Sammy is in that delusional dangerous stage that Elizabeth, Hans, Isis and Cesar were in before him. They think they are looking out for the greater good, when in reality all they are doing is looking out for themselves. 

                                                            .           .           .

“So it is decided. We are all going to knock him down a peg.”

Muhammad is tired of Sammy and has connived this little meeting. Lin and myself are here because Muhammad thinks we are ready to be the big dogs in the house. No one trusts Hans anymore and Juan, Muhammad and Olivia think they need us to make their plan work.

It seems like the people in this meeting do not see that they are creating a new Sammy with their plan. Lin recently gobbled up tanker toys Sammy assumed were going to be his. I’m worried that if we do not stop this circle we will destroy everything we hold dear.

Sammy is in the same place Elizabeth, Cesar, Hans, and Athena were in before him. They were all the top dogs, they all became bullies, and they all fell. They all started from the bottom and all thought they were doing what was best.

The house is crumbling away, the walls are pealing, the floor boards creek and since Sammy is the big fish it is his fault. We have mother tapped out and can not see that we need to help her instead of blame each other.

Sammy is not solely responsible for this house we all are. And while Sammy may steal most of it’s resources Lin and the rest of us are right behind him.

Dad can barely keep up with us and seems to be content to watch it unravel in time. He seems to have reserved him to the fact that he and mom will go on even if we destroy this house. They will rebuild, but we will not be around or invited to enjoy it. 

Looking around this house each picture we have is a deception. We do not have a “family” portrait because we have never gotten along well enough for long enough to take one.

Hans and Elizabeth are together with Francis in the den and I’m worried they know what Muhammad is planning. Part of me wonders if they agree with him or if they will support Sammy. Either way if something does not change World War Three will be brought upon this house.

The only hope is that Sammy will see the writing on the wall and apologize. He can give up the snowball incident and realize that we are all snowed in here together, that we are all family and this it is his choice if we are going to destroy ourselves.

                                                                        .           .           .

I guess this is where you should leave us, before whatever is going to erupt does. Even alone Sammy is the strongest, so all I can hope is that nothing does. 

I hope that we will here an apology soon, but fear that we will hear shouting. This house cannot stand another war and I hope we realize that before its too late.

I hope that we can save this house together and hope we realize that while we may not be related we are all a part of the same family.

“Rupel. Dinner.”

Mom’s calling, got to go and hope that our world does not become the rubble of a lesson not learned.

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 Alec Degnats


A young tourist lost in New York walks up to a local and asks him,“How Do you get to Carnegie Hall?”

The man looks back for a second, takes a deep breath and answers: “Practice, Practice, Practice...”

It is an old joke that I hope a few of you have heard before. However with that said this old joke along with a thing called Camp Jam really got me thinking about practice and how it is important to everything in our lives, not just sports or music.

When was the last time you heard a professional athlete, musician, or entertainer say that they got where they were through being lazy, stubborn, and an unwilling to work? I'll give you a minute if you want, because to be honest I never have.

LeBraun James, arguably the best basketball player alive, dedicates his off season to studying with people he feels have mastered a part of the game that he needs to improve upon. World famous jazz pianist Chick Corea once said, “I practice at least four hours a day because if I did not I would not be able to perform at the level I am expected to.”

We often forget that everyone practices all the time and that most likely the people that we consider the best of the best are that way because once they got there they never stopped getting better.

With this in mind though it is important to understand that we are always practicing and creating our own reality and more importantly who we want to be. Every action that we take is a practice step towards what we are going to become.

Whether it is music, sports, writing, sales, accounting, politics, religion, exercise, etc... we are always practicing the person that we are and the person that we are becoming. How we view and interpret the world is all done through experience and how we interact with it.

With this in mind I ask all of us to find our Carnegie Hall. Think about where you want to go, who you want to be, and what will make you happy. Then I challenge all of us to start practicing in an effort to reach those goals.  

New Archaic Cannon article up

To all of my loyal followers I have a new article up on Archaic Cannon (please check out the link below).

Beyond this please review the things on my stories page in preparation for the stories coming later this  month.

Archaic Cannon Article: What Makes a Great Movie Soundtrack

My Stories 

whats coming

Have a few new things in the work. A new lml, the second chapter and an article or two. To catch up I suggest you check out chapter one of a thirteen state reunion and maybe a few lnl's.

Jumped is about a third of a way through its final edit before beta books are sent out. If you are interested in being a beta reader for my first novel email me at: degnatshowell5@gmail.com

Please check out the links below:

Thirteen State Reunion: Chapter One

A Lesson Not Learned: Reflections of a Prisoners Lament.

A Lesson Not Learned: Dog Days

Living expenses

Image form Kluth.org

In my article Coming Home article I said: “Most of us could live off of less than we are making now,” A bold statement and one I believe to be true and one I did not think I would be touching upon so soon. However the past few days I have run across a few articles regarding the money that Alex Rodriguez (the Yankees third baseman) makes, and find myself preoccupied with the idea of money and how much we actually need to live .

Personally I am doing my best to tighten my budget, mainly because in my perfect world I would not have to work a part time job and would be able to write and play music full time. With this goal in mind I have been investigating every single purchase I have made this year (yes I do keep track of every single one using an app called: Checkbook) and have found that I waste a lot of my income.

This revelation is not to say that I have put myself in debt, because I have not, and it is not to say that I have been overspending. Simply put I have found that the funds I actually need to live off of are not as great as I thought.

Gas, groceries, housing, clothes, the staples, as expensive as they are are not nearly as bad as most of us make them out to be. I know kids are expensive, that student debt can be a burden, but in the end I know most of us can live off of much less than we currently make if we simply put things into perspective and truly explore where, why, and how we spend our money.
A few years back the documentary TV. show “30 days” showed that the number one cost hitting low income families were kids and medical costs. I do not think that I need to get into the medical insurance debate right now, however it is safe to assume that it is something that needs to be addressed in open, honesty, good intentioned discussions.

With this said though I can only begin to guess at why the cost of kids are so high (because I am not ready, nor am I a father yet). Clothes, shoes, tech gadgets, and keeping up with the Jones’s is not cheap, and is something that I have seen first hand when going over my own budget.

A meal out here, a puzzle there, movie out, video game etc... All of these things for the first part of the year were going into a place in my budget titled “entertainment.” Funny I am being more specific with them now because all in all that title was so appropriate. What entertainment equaled was “stuff you do not really need, but are spending money on anyways.”

Do not misinterpret what I am saying here, I am by no means telling us to forgo all forms of fun and pinch every penny. To live on Ramen and such to show ourselves how little we can live off of. On the contrary I want you to live a full and happy life, but think if you look back at your budget you will see extraneous expenditures that not only take money, but distract us from our ultimate goal of happiness.

How many times have you eaten out this week? I myself even in the short week have eaten out twice... That is right and even with my endeavor to lose weight my fiancĂ© and I are eating out while trying to trim our budget. We do cook a lot at home, but did we need to eat out either of these times? No. In the end most of what we had was not nearly as healthy if we had just cooked for ourselves.  In the end we are buying convenience, a convenience that is not working towards our end goal.

That is the problem. There was a time when paying for convenience meant something. When buying a lighter laptop meant being ten pounds instead of 20-30. There was a time where convenience did not give up quality, but now every day as technology exponentially develops we need to re-evaluate what is important in our lives.

On first glance most people would say family and friends are the most important thing in their life. Now think about how many times you are trying to have a conversation with someone while they are playing on their iphone or ipad, or watching TV. Think about how many times people say things like “I can’t live without my phone.” Now step back for a second and think about how crazy that sounds.

We have become so embedded with technology, convenience, and constant stimulation that our idea of what we need to live has ballooned out of control. T.V. cable, an unlimited data plan, the latest cell phone, the newest computer, a brand new surround sound system, etc... are not necessities, but luxuries.

My mom is an accountant and has seen people who make hundreds of thousands be miserable and unable to manage their money. At the same time she has had clients who have lived off of what would be considered poverty and thrive. They tithe ten percent, pay off their student loans, their mortgages, eat well, and live very happily on a very small pay check. Studies have continually shown us that the salary where money brings happiness is continually dropping and is down to $75,000 per year for a family of four.

To me all of these signs point to the simple point that: money does not bring happiness and we need to acknowledge that. We all have bills and things that we need paid. We all have luxuries and indulgences and in no way am I saying not to ever indulge. I am however asking all of us to look at how we spend our lives and our monies and figure out if what we are doing is working towards the goals that we have truly set for our self.

In today’s world there is no real reason to work a job that you hate unless it is doing something to bring you to an end goal of some sort. I do understand that some people are in that situation where they have to work a job, two, or three to survive, however for most of us that is simply not the case.

Look over your bills, your budget, and look at what you are spending your money on. I dare you. See how many coffee’s and energy drinks you buy and add up how much they cost you a month. Find out how much the cookies you buy cost and see if the convenience is worth it compared to baking your own with your family and kids. Look at your toys and luxuries that and see if they are really bringing you the happiness that you expected.

We now live in a world where a cellphones are subsidized to the poor like food stamps once were. With how everything is now I can not think of a better time for us to examine our spending habits and what makes us happy.

When I said that “Most of us make more money than we need,” I was inviting all of us to
reexamine our spending habits and discover why we spend out money the way we do. Because to me it is amazing how different a purchase looks in hindsight. It is amazing to me how little we truly need.

image from:collectivefunkt.blogspot.com 

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The Dog Days are here

Summer is upon us and what started as a fun, sunny time of year has slowly transformed into the dog days of summer.

With this in mind I think it is time for you to beat the heat and catch up with what you have missed from D.C. Reed, and my blog.

So if you have not read "A Lesson not Learned: Dog Days" read it.

IF you have not yet read Chapter One of "A Thirteen State Reunion," then you should really catch up.

So to all my readers enjoy your summer and please take a minute out to relax and catch up on a good tale. 

Chapter One is here

The wait is finally over  and the first chapter in: A thirteen state reunion is done!!!(and posted below)

This story will be coming out chapter by chapter on the blog and is a parody based on the idea if the thirteen original colonies got back together and had a family reunion. 

So please sit back, relax, and enjoy chapter one of: A Thirteen State Reunion. 

p.s: IF you enjoy subscribe for my page to get the next chapters and more importantly share it with you friends. 

Chapter One

It all Started with a Phone Call.

 “They will never agree to that Mary!!!” Miss Rhodes yelled at her younger cousin over the phone. “It has been a long time since we agreed on anything, and you know how well it went the last time we got together. I don’t think Penn has forgiven Georgy for cracking his beloved bell. Although I do think he overreacted a little bit with the fire and all.”

“I know it is not ideal Lindsy, but we have to get thirteen of us in a room to talk this out.” Mary pleaded. “Let them bring the lawyers if they must, but we must leave the extended family out of this. Georgy has got to leave Rida and the rest at home and Penn and Yorky must leave Kenny and them up North. And don’t tell Tex... he’s not a part of this and I can not stand him. Rhodes we got to work this out- our family has been divided for far too long. Don’t you miss the days when we were rebelling against Elizabeth and the rest all together?”

Sitting out on her front porch Rhodes was watching the tide come in and could not help but feel nostalgic. It had been a long time since Paul made his ride. A long time since she and Massy went swimming in that tea together. It had been a long time since they had actually stood for something.

“More importantly than all that though Rhodes this is the time for us to make a move while making a nice little profit off of all of this. There is nothing better for the people to watch on TV. now and we will all be rich if you can get everyone to D.C. to talk.”

A silence went over the line as Rhodes thought about her cousin’s idea. She was right, Tex had just built that football stadium that could be seen from space, Calli had all the Movie Stars, and even Vegas had started to take over the market with all those shows about stuff Americans bought, sold, restored, and stored.

It had been a while since they had been relevant in anything but getting pounded by hurricanes and education scores. They were all broke and considering there was no hope of reconciliation they might as make a quick buck off the dysfunction.

“I’m still not sure Mary. I mean we are all quite busy....”

“With what?” Mary spat back at her cousin cutting her off.

“Recovering from these storms and...”

“Don’t give me that crap Rhodes, we all know that it does not matter if we do this or not. Rebuilding will take much longer and more money than it ever needed because this country's legislators can not agree on anything. If anything showing them that we are relevant again will get us the funds we need.”

Virgina must not be ready to jump on board.” Rhodes thought to herself. If she was Mary would never be coming to me for help.

“Rhodes, I know it is a long shot, but think about the money a little show could bring in. Think about how much money it brought us when we were on top.”

Marry was right. Back in the day when they did things together papers were clamoring all over them for exclusive stories and interviews. They used to be popular and they sold their stories to the highest bidder, blowing the profits on God knows what.

Their reunion would be TV. gold. They were all older now and the kids, Lanta, Philly, and the rest ,had all started to grow up a little bit. If they could all stay in the same room together without starting World War Three it could work and who knows they could maybe steal a little bit of the limelight back.

“Mary, please don’t.”

“Wait Rhodes before you answer just think about the headlines that we could stir with something like this, the publicity they would bring.”

Taking a second Rhodes indulged Marry imaging a few of the headlines: “Georgia comes face to face with Pennsylvania for the first time since Sherman.” “Dover and Providence defend their parents' honor, showing that bigger is not always better.“New York City makes case for Statehood: nothing like his father”

“Mary, it is a good idea but don’t you think it is a lot of work....”

“Typical Rhodes and you ask why people wonder if you are one of Massy’s kids.” Marry said dejectedly.

“Wait a minute Mary.”

“Why? You are always a little afraid and I now understand why they were so reluctant to include you in the New England club.”

Silently Rhodes brewed over what Mary had just said. She knew Mary was just trying to get under her skin, but Rhodes would not let her. Mary came to her for help and she would not give into her games.

“Look Mary.... what the....”

Looking out over her porch Rhodes saw a football coming right for her and her stained glass window.

Watching it fly Miss Rhodes could do nothing to stop the spiraling ball from destroying a window that had been a part of her home since Providence was born.

Crash.... The ball struck the window as it shattered into a million pieces.

“Sorry bout that Rhodes, forgot you were there.” Miss Rhodes heard over he shoulder.
Turning around she saw Bosty yelling his apology to here as he, Yorky, and Cago ran away from the scene of the crime.

“You call Georgy, the Linna’s, and Virgina. I’ll get the rest and will see you in a week.”

Rhodes hung up the phone fuming with what Yorky and his little friends had just done. She would no longer be forgotten. It was time to change all that- it was time for the Original thirteen and their children to enter Televisions limelight and cash in on a family reunion like no one had ever seen.

Reality T.V. or game show, talk show, or sporting event. Rhodes did not care. As long as the nation was watching she did not care what shape this event took. They would all be rich and more importantly no one would ever forget the original thirteen and more importantly, herself, ever again.

. . .

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