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Money Money Money

Alec Degnats

Profits: Money... Money... Money....

Second quarter over, third quarter beginning, reports are coming out and the speculation begins. “Profits down” “growth up” - these words dot the headlines as we discuss company earning reports and what they mean for the country and “The Economy” as a whole.

Reading these headlines I wonder, when did a “profit” become a bad thing? How is it that making 1.5 billion instead of 1.7 is a negative? I understand that missing two hundred million is a big thing, but isn’t the 1.5 worth something?

I feel like the path companies are on is unsustainable. Some speculate that it is an evolutionary glitch, others think that the passion for profits and growing them is all that is important. When I look at the culture I see something that in its very nature is corrupt.

Working in the retail culture you get too see corporate thinking and the ideas behind it. Corporate America and upper management spends millions doing studies on how to fix and how to streamline their business and increase profits. How backwards is this when to fix most problems they could simply go work a day on the floor to see the real issues. Work a week and they would understand it all.

I personnay asked one of my supervisors about this when I worked in retail. I asked her, “Why don't our own managers work a day on the floor to truly get an idea of what we were going through?" I asked her, “Why they did not know anything about the products that they themselves were supposed to be managing?”

The answer I received was, “ It’s a good idea, but it’s not going to happen. Remember they all started where you are now on the sales floor.”

My supervisor's statement may be true, but most mangers have not been sales associates in ten or fifteen years. When they were sales men smart-phones were not even an idea. MLB was still more popular than the NFL.

This is where the heart of the problem lies with corporate greed. The people in charge are unwilling to understand where their profits come from and at what cost. All they see are numbers, not people, not what is going on, but the statistical data that circumstances create.

When all you see are numbers you detach yourself from the project at hand, the consequences and what those numbers actually mean.

We let bankers on Wall Street do it and they crashed our financial institutions. We let oil companies do it and the Gulf became a wreck. We let corporations do it every day even though the quality of life drops as a result.

The problem with minimum wage, social disparity, and our own ecosystem stems from this mentality. Cutting corners where ever you can trying to turn the projected profit creates hazards that many refuse to see. The easy way has consequences and unfortunately people seem to forget that. In my mind this system is leading us to our doom. I just hope we catch it and find something better before this culture consumes everyone and destroys us all. 

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Eight Chapters

That is right... I am sitting on eight chapters left to edit. That means that if all goes well beta books... thats right beta books and chapters on the blog should be up by the end of this month, we will say beginning of September to be safe.

After that on to "Trial" and if things stay on track you may just have my first to novels to give as stocking stuffers :). 

The next evolution is here.

To all of my followers thank you for everything. I am very excited about the path my career is taking and would like to update everyone.

First, jumped is two weeks away from beta reading, cover, and is on pace to be released this holiday season. IF you want to become a beta reader email me at: degnatshowell5@gmail.com with beta reader in the subject line.

With that said a thirteen state reunion is on its way with chapter two and the site itself will be getting an update soon.

I also recently have started a new book project with a friend of mine in Tennessee. More details on this project will come soon.

With all that is going on please come back often to keep up with everything as my career starts to take flight.

IF you haven't checked them out you need to:

A Fifth Lesson Not Learned

Chapter one of: A Thirteen State Reunion.

Practice: thoughts on how we grow